BuzzAd Benefit 2.0 - Android SDK Integration Guide

This documentation provides a guideline for integrating BuzzAd Benefit into an Android application. With its native format and high performance rewarded ads feature, BuzzAd Benefit can maximize publisher revenue without impairing the user experience.


Getting Started

The below items are necessary to proceed with the integration:

  • Request app_id to Buzzvil's BD manager

  • Request unit_id for the desired Type to Buzzvil’s BD manager

  • Provide your postback url to Buzzvil's BD manager

    • Postback API document (link)



  1. Implement AndroidX to the project by following the guide.

  2. Check More details section to use action type ads



Adding the dependencies in build.gradle

repositories { maven { url "" } } ... dependencies { implementation ("com.buzzvil:buzzad-benefit:2.15.+") { // Add the following line if Pop is not being used exclude group: 'com.buzzvil', module: 'buzzad-benefit-pop' // Add the following line if Notification is not being used exclude group: 'com.buzzvil', module: 'buzzad-benefit-notification' } }
  • Outbrain ADN SDK Integration

    • Outbrain is an SDK-type ADN for publishers who want non-rewarded ad volume.

    • If you want to integrate Outbrain, add the following code to the dependencies section of build.gradle, and please be sure to inform the BD Manager to set up the ads.


  • For feed type only

  • For versions 2.9.x and above

// Outbrain implementation("com.buzzvil.mediation:sdk-outbrain:") Program type already present: com.buzzvil.buzzresource.BuildConfig error could occur if BuzzScreen is being used together and it can be resolved with BuzzScreen 3.11.+

The image library has been changed from UIL to Picasso from BuzzAdBenefit 2.9.0.

  1. Update compileSdkVersion 29 + or

  2. Add -dontwarn android.view.Display in proguard rules

If BuzzScreen is being used together and it can be resolved with BuzzScreen 3.11.+

The error occurs in case theme is not set in BuzzAdBrowserActivity (To be modified)

  1. Define theme that inherits one of AppCompat Theme in styles.xml

<style name="CustomTheme" parent="Theme.AppCompat.DayNight"> <!-- add your custom attributes here --> </style>
  1. Add the following line to AndroidManifest.xml

SDK Initialization

Step 1: Initializing the BuzzAdBenefit

Add the following meta_data to AndroidManifest.xml

  • Insert app_id in place of "000000000000"

Please add the initialization code for the BuzzAdBenefit in the onCreate() of the application class.

Step 2: Setting the UserProfile

Please set the UserProfile at the user login.

Note : User ID and targeting information (gender, birth year) is necessary for the proper functioning of BuzzAd Benefit. Ads are served only after the setUserProfile method is called.

  • userId : A unique identifier assigned to each user

    • Please consult with the BD manager if there is a possibility of userId changing.

    • e.g.: userId changes when a user reinstalls the app after deletion

  • gender

    • UserProfile.Gender.MALE

    • UserProfile.Gender.FEMALE

  • birthYear



Note : Once session key registration is complete via Step 1 and 2, SessionReady broadcast is sent. Without the session key, an API key needed to receive advertisement from the server, the SDK cannot load any ads. Therefore, if the time interval between Step 2 and the ad request is too short, the below procedure is required for session key registration.


Step 3: Setting the UserPreference

Please set the UserPreference at the user login.

  • autoplayType(AutoplayType autoplayType): Configures video autoplay mode.

    • AutoplayType.ENABLED: Video autoplay is enabled

    • AutoplayType.ON_WIFI: Video autoplay is enabled only on WiFi

    • AutoplayType.DISABLED: Video autoplay is disabled



Step 4. Removing the user settings

Please remove the UserProfile and the UserPreferences upon user logout.



Step 5. Proceeding to the next step

Please refer to the following link to finish the integration.

  • Type A - Native Ads:  For exposing native ads that seamlessly blend with the in-app design

  • Type B - Feed: For exposing list of ads on a feed

  • Type C - Interstitial: For exposing interstitial ads using Buzzvil’s predefined layout

  • Type D - Pop: For exposing list of ads through floating chat head on the home screen outside of the app and top of other apps


More details

(Important) Privacy Statement

In order to comply with the privacy laws and Google policies, user consent is necessary for the collection and use of personal information. The privacy policy can be shown to the user without building a separate UI. Ad participation for users can occur only after the privacy policy consent has been received.

The consent to collect personal information is shown in the form of a bottom-sheet and can be called through API.

<Privacy policy consent>

<Without privacy policy consent>

The following APIs can be used in relation to the privacy policy.

(Important) If the above API is not used, the publisher must directly implement a UI that obtains consent to Buzzvil's privacy policy in the following situations:

  • When entering the feed without consent

  • When clicking the Pop icon without consent

  • When getting user’s consent to expose Buzzvil products


(Important) Conditions to allocate action-type ads

[1] Change of the CTA button → If you integrate SDK 2.2.3+ and do not customize CTA button, it is automatically applied.

If you have integrated to the lower version and used the CTA button as a custom class, it is required to make the CTA button look normal in every situation referring to the changes below. (CTA button implementation is addressed in the ads placement type)

  • (Before) In case of action-type ads, CTA could not be displayed as 'Accumulation completed' due to the time difference between point accumulation and ad click. and it was displayed as 'Verifying participation when the click was confirmed

  • (After) ‘Accumulation completed’ call-back is applied to action-type ads as well as display ads. It should be divided into 3 stages. Before participation → Verifying participation(is clicked) → Participation completed(is participated)

[2] Use of VOC(Inquiry Page) about action-type ads

BuzzAd Benefit SDK provides ads that reward various user actions such as videos, app installations, and Facebook page likes. And, in the case of such ads, users often send VOCs for unreceived rewards.

BuzzAd SDK provides a web page to automate the reception and processing of the users' VOCs.
It is unnecessary to implement it by each unit and does not force the location of the VOC because this inquiry page is viewed based on the integrated app.

  • Proceed the below steps to use this function

  1. Design user entry Icon/Tab for VOC page loading.

  2.  BuzzAdBenefit.getInstance().showInquiryPage(context) is called when the Icon/Tab is clicked

    1. If you want to show the inquiry page only for a specific unit, useshowInquiryPage(Context context, @Nullable final String unitId). Enter the Unit Id that you want to show the inquiry page. If the Unit id is null, the inquiry page is viewed based on the app.

  • For Interstitial and Feed type, you can use the default icon provided by Buzzvil for the inquiry page. (Click the below)




[3] When using the Custom Launcher, implement the usage of the Custom In-App Browser at the bottom

  • If you are not currently using the Custom Launcher, you only need to meet the two conditions above.

  • If you plan to use Custome Launcher, or if you are already using it in 1.X version, the following items must be applied.


How to use Custom In-App Browser

You can customize the In-App Browser that is used when running ads. For example, loading ads landing page can be implemented in a class designated by the publisher.

Note for implementation

  • In-App Browser must be implemented using Fragment provided by BuzzAdBrowser. Otherwise, some ads (action ads, countdown reward ads) may not work properly.

  • The URL of LandingInfo provided by Launcher should not be arbitrarily changed. In this case, the web page may not load properly.

[1] Implement CustomBrowserActivity 

[2] activity_custom_browser.xml

[3] Implement Launcher 

[4] Setting Launcher created after calling BuzzAdBenefit.init 

[+] How to use sourceUrl of Article when using Custom launcher

In case of content, if you want to handle the landing method in a different way according to the URL scheme (ex. content that moves to another screen without opening a browser in the app), you can get the sourceUrl of the NativeArticle object and perform branch processing in the following way.

[+] If you want to determine in advance whether it is ad or content when using a custom launcher

Applying theme to BuzzAd Benefit Products

You can easily customize the BuzzAd Benefit UI if you define the attribute provided by Buzzvil in AppTheme.

attribute (type)

child attribute (type)

customizable UI

attribute (type)

child attribute (type)

customizable UI

buzzvilRewardIcon (reference)


  • [All] cta view reward icon

  • [Feed] profile banner reward icon


buzzvilCtaRewardIcon (reference)

  • [All] cta view


example 1. Apply buzzvilRewardIcon theming

example 2. Apply buzzvilCtaViewStyle theming